Update Monday!
Thank you'll that contributed to this event. The event highlighted Somali Youth( of Columbus,OH) issues and concern voiced by the youth.
This meeting had representation from range of youth populations from college student to at risk youth. we had also, representation from host of law enforcement community, and city representatives. One thing the youth articulated were the need for recreational outlets, tutoring center for 12k.
I don't believe the city will be able to help them at this point due the limited budget feasibility. I have seen many reck center shutdown by the city due these constrains.
I have to recognize the sport Committee for endure all types of unnecessary cost, in provided transportation cost and other sacrifices the might not be obvious to you and I. I applaud them for their effort in organize ten teams to be productive citizens.
Enjoy as always...keep the heritage alive
Enjoy as always...keep the heritage alive
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