Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My two cents...

I pose this question to guys in the Diaspora and back home. What do believe to be the most interesting thing, given the chance to document the Somali Experience? Please give a value to your judgment as to why you believe your statements can portray the Somali Experience in Diaspora. Additionally, do believe that Somali will get out of these vicious cycles of mayhem to joint rest of society? If you have indulged to yourself in solving these problems by way of theory, please do share effective strategies you believe can rescue Somalia.

The Secretary of the State, Mrs. Clinton will be meeting with the interim Somali President (TFG) Sheikh Sharif. For hypothetically purpose, assume that you’re the Somali President in office, you’re ask to share; What relevancy do see in this meeting as far as progress that can be made to better Somalia…ex. Arm deal, troupe support, intervention. What should be your respond in fulfilling given this capacity as head of state? Our country is in a dormant state and at moment there are no cures falling from the sky to make us realize peace and tranquility. We all have the inclination to be our brother keeper but don’t know how to go about it.

Should United State endorse this fragile government where it lacks military might to defend itself? What would more weapons solve if there is no trained personal to defend TFG? As everyone are entitle to their opinion, state building is not an easy task to engage and doesn’t happen overnight nor will more armament transpire an easy outcome.

I was watching the remnant of Mogadishu after war and the birth of this nation. I asked myself; what did, those in the first generations have had at their disposal that later generation forgot to harvest; other than colonialism. Somewhere lies a forgotten lesson in the Somali History. Everyone has been praying for any sign of miracle to transcend the void. The missing link to these puzzles is not in the whispers found in the cafe shops where our older generation flocks to in order to rekindle and celebrate hay days when their popularity might been acceptable. These older generations in their tiers succumb to barren exchanges rate to dilute nationalism by come out with formula to poison a nation. This formula which amounts to a figure of 4.5 intends to domesticate the country we wish to call home someday and which some of us call home.

Fast forwarding to our infancy as country, there was a greater responsibility of communal effort to succeed as young nation. The country invested heavily in education to fill gaps in the society for doctors, engineers, teachers.. We have export so many of our young man during that period to be educated in the western society on merits that they will do more good for Somalia’s advancement. Most of these young men come back to Somalia and become productive members of Somali society. Too many daydream often the bright future that awaited us as young democratic nation. Somali’s late hegemonic power in Africa reappraises the question if we are still value to continent and to horn.

Now we are at worse stage in our development strategy, we have entered in unsafe levels of brain drain, food shortages, rising disease due self defeating ideology and pretense for war we had immaturely adopted. We all know that lesson well my friends. And we wish to heal these self- inflicted wounds so; effortless we await band aid to fall from the sky. How practical are we as society? One, key element is missed by all of us, we wish to rectify the demons that burdens us. No great amenities we hold dear that could safe Somalia other its people. The missing ingredient is the relationship that thrives among travels and the host family. We go great length to makes arrangement for (marti) visitor. My propose plan is simple we need enough risk takers to close the void as teacher, doctors, consults and etc that the country is in a dire need for. A friend of mine point out to me in his recent visit to back home, as he puts it, everyone that knew something left the country therefore, how do you communicate with these hybrid breed of gun wheeling generations.
Our pride tells us, that somewhere, somehow we can make the necessary progress need for the country. Its sound like a makeshift dream crabby at best which can serious creates the turnarounds need it given the chance.

Enjoy as always...keep the heritage alive

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