Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years my fellow Somali....

’09 wishing all happy new years, let’s not clouds each other endeavor and pursue of better governance. We are without of head of state thus, it might seem that we have little or none to celebrate about our statehood. I hope we have buried our pride, guilt and greedy far of this coast of never-land. If we don’t get our act together soon Somalia will only exist by the tongues of our children and deaf ears of statutes that are assemble in museums. Yes, I’m talking to first and second generation expatriates that reside in North America and Eurasia. Please be engage not in dirty politics but hard and balance activist work need to surpass the surreal wall before us. Be mindful and “skinnies “unite everywhere enjoy yourself.
For those of the visit this blog regularly.. Thank you

Enjoy as always...keep the heritage alive

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