Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Obama

Tomorrow we will been awaken to whole new president, the first of many and man that will be the 44th president of the United State of America Mr. Obama. Some might call it nothing short of a miracle the victory that he commenced tonight here in this nation. I believe Senator John had made a good reconciliatory speech, eventhough; some the crowd were not responsive to him sometimes. The road to change is not pave with gold but rather change will have to come from both side of the party line. Its answer lies with masses. Those that fought for change must align the country back to its feet again. Obama alone can correct everything, you and I must take our part of the burden and wear it proudly.

I would like to thank Kaalay voter initiative for mobilizing Somali voters and providing interpretation to different precinct which Somali’s voters casted their pallot. This group of young people answer the call to the missing piece to take action by providing their services to the community with no affirm affiliation prescribing what was needed. They made a great impact on Columbus Somali vote for Obama. I will not mension no name but their is one particular individual that heads this group and I thank her as well.
Enjoy as always...keep the heritage alive

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Somali's for Obama
2008 Election


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